The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique Is a Less Invasive Gum Recession Treatment
Gum recession is a potentially serious problem that requires professional attention to maintain oral health. While deep cleaning beneath the gum line can treat mild gum recession, advanced gum recession typically requires surgery. Traditional gum surgery involves tissue grafting, a process of removing tissue from an area such as the roof of the mouth and suturing it to the gums. Recently, a groundbreaking procedure has significantly improved upon traditional gum surgery. The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique is now available at the Montreal dental practice of Drs. Charles and Patrick Casey. This minimally invasive technique requires no scalpels, grafting, or suturing. Instead, the dentist uses a small needle to make a pinhole in the gum tissue, and gently reposition this tissue to cover the recession site. Benefits include a more comfortable experience and greatly reduced recovery time. To find out if you are a candidate for pinhole surgery, contact our friendly staff today.

About Gum Recession
Gum (or gingival) recession is a very common condition that can eventually result in exposure of the tooth roots. There are many factors that may contribute to gum recession, including periodontal disease, genetics, aggressive tooth brushing, grinding or clenching, misaligned bite, and orthodontic and restorative appliances. Initial indications of gum recession can include tooth sensitivity, a longer-than-normal appearance to the teeth, or a notch near the gum line. Left untreated, the tissue and bone structures that support the teeth risk severe damage. Eventually, gum recession can result in tooth loss.
The Pinhole Technique
Until recently, surgical options to correct gum recession consisted of pocket depth reduction or a gum tissue graft. With pocket depth reduction, the gum tissue is folded back, and the doctor cleans the pockets before suturing the gums back into place. With tissue grafting, tissue is harvested from another area of the mouth and used to cover exposed portions of the tooth. The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique involves no grafting or stitching. Instead, Dr. Casey numbs and cleans the recessed area, then makes a small hole above it with a specialized dental needle. Through this access point, he inserts a small, angled instrument to free the gum tissue and reposition it to cover exposed areas of the teeth. Next, he inserts collagen strips to reinforce the new gum placement and stimulate healing.
The Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique takes about 20 minutes to one hour, depending on the number of teeth treated. If necessary, patients may choose sedation dentistry to ensure their utmost comfort during treatment. We offer both oral conscious and intravenous (IV) sedation, and can recommend the most appropriate option for your needs.
Because the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique does not involve grafting or suturing, recovery time is greatly reduced. Traditional grafting surgery requires a recovery period of approximately three weeks, and patients may experience gum pain, swelling, and bleeding. With pinhole surgery, there is little to no downtime. Patients may experience some gum sensitivity, but typically feel comfortable and can usually resume normal eating by the same evening.
Schedule a Consultation
If you have receding gums, do not delay seeking treatment. With the Chao Pinhole® Surgical Technique, you can have a comfortable treatment experience and enjoy natural-looking, long-lasting results. To learn more, schedule a consultation today.