Teeth Whitening

Discolored teeth can mar both the appearance of your smile and your self-confidence.

Our dentists provide an array of convenient teeth whitening treatments in Montreal.

Discover how we can make your smile appear more youthful and healthier after a single tooth bleaching procedure.

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening  With Our Montreal, QC, Team

Safe Treatment

Professional treatments are safe and comfortable. Over-the-counter kits pose the risk of allergic reactions and damage to the enamel.

Easy Enhancement 

Teeth whitening can produce dramatic results with a minimal investment of time and money. Whiter teeth can take years off your appearance.

Consistently Bright Color

If you are receiving a veneer, crown, or other restoration on a tooth, bleaching them beforehand can provide consistently bright teeth to match.

Whitening Can Produce Dramatic Results  and make your smile look healthier and more attractive.

Drawbacks of Over-the-Counter Products

Over-the-counter whitening products have a few drawbacks compared to getting professional teeth whitening treatment from our dental office in Westmount, QC, including:

Slower or Limited Results

Whitening toothpaste, tray systems, and whitening strips with hydrogen peroxide can brighten smiles, but it can take weeks to see results. With a professional tooth whitening treatment at our Montreal, QC, clinic, patients can see noticeable results within an hour. 

No Professional Oversight

Patients using over-the-counter tooth whitening products may experience tooth sensitivity or sore gums if they overuse or misapply hydrogen peroxide or other bleaching treatments. With professional treatment, our dentists can assess issues with teeth, gums, or other areas of your mouth.

Man applying teeth whitening strip with disclaimer

The Dentists Athletes Trust Call Our Montreal, QC, Clinic for Teeth Whitening Today

Drs. Charles and Patrick Casey know that a healthy smile can boost your professional and personal lives. Both of our dentists have treated VIPs, personalities, and professional athletes like the Montreal Canadians and New York Islanders. 

We'll treat your oral health with the same attention we give athletes and VIPs. Contact our Montreal, QC, clinic today to learn how our hydrogen peroxide and bleaching treatment can whiten your teeth, giving you a smile that appears younger and healthier.

(514) 937-6558


When Considering Teeth Whitneing…

"Consult a dentist, who can assess the cause of tooth discoloration and the best approach to achieving whiter teeth. If, after the consultation, the patient decides to proceed with tooth bleaching, the procedure should be performed under a dentist’s supervision and according to the manufacturer’s directions."
Canadian Dental Association

Teeth Whitening Procedure

We offer multiple tooth whitening options to meet our patients' specific needs and goals. For instant results, in-office whitening can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades in just one appointment. Take-home whitening treatments are an option for patients who wish to whiten their smile at their own convenience. 

In-Office Teeth Whitening at Our Montreal Office

If you choose in-office whitening, we can provide a brighter smile in about an hour:

"In-office whitening can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades in just one appointment."
"In-office whitening can lighten your teeth by up to eight shades in just one appointment."

General Cleaning

Before the whitening procedure, we will provide a dental cleaning to remove plaque and debris.


Gel Application

Your dentist then applies a hydrogen peroxide-based formula to your teeth and activates it with an LED lamp. 


Repeated Applications

Depending on how darkly colored your enamel is, it can take one to three sessions for teeth to reach the desired shade of white. After each ~15-minute session, we will remove and reapply the gel.



We recommend using a take-home touch-up kit or specialized toothpaste to maintain results. Periodic re-treatments may also be necessary, depending on your goals.


Teeth Whitening at Home

You have a busy schedule and would rather whiten your teeth gradually at home — we've got you covered. Our Montreal practice also offers custom teeth whitening kits designed for home use:

"Take-home whitening treatments are an option for patients that wish to whiten their smile at their own convenience."
"Take-home whitening treatments are an option for patients that wish to whiten their smile at their own convenience."

Taking Impressions

We will take impressions of your teeth and create a set of custom trays for your upper and lower arches. Unlike over-the-counter whitening products, custom trays ensure an exact fit that keeps the whitening agent from coming into contact with the gums and other soft tissues.


​Wearing Trays

Simply place the gel in the trays and wear them overnight or for several hours during the day, at your convenience.


Staying Consistent

By consistently wearing the trays every day, your teeth will gradually lighten. The final results with take-home bleaching kits are achieved in two to three weeks.


Is Tooth Whitening Recommended for Everyone? Call Our Montreal, QC, Office for More Information

"Bleaching does not whiten dental work like crowns, fillings, and dentures. There is a possibility that dental work may appear darker following bleaching of your natural teeth." Canadian Dental Association

Maintaining Your Results

The results are long-lasting, especially when compared to their drugstore counterparts. Our team will provide you with all the necessary tips and tools to maintain your results. These include:

Whitening Toothpaste

While these kinds of toothpaste are not usually effective in removing stains on their own, whitening toothpaste is great for maintaining the brightness of professional teeth whitening. 

Avoid Potential Stains

Darkly colored foods, beverages, and tobacco products all have the potential to stain your teeth. It is best to avoid them when possible. If you drink soda or coffee, use a straw to prevent the liquid from passing over the tooth enamel.

Dr. Charles Casey & Dr. Patrick Casey

Smile Montreal

Our team of dental professionals is focused on patient care and comfort. Our dentists use the latest techniques and innovative technologies to provide fast and efficient treatment. Dr. Patrick Casey is a member of a number of international associations, including:
  • Academy of General Dentistry
  • International Congress of Oral Implantologists
  • Academy of Laser Dentistry
  • International Academy of Orthodontics
Contact us or call (514) 937-6558 to schedule an appointment.

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"I felt more like I was talking to a friend than I was to a dentist." Nancy Lanzolla, Patient

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