Smile Montreal

Flossing Promotes Good Oral Health

Jul 30, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Patrick Casey
Tagged with: General Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

A lot of effort goes into maintaining a strong, healthy smile. Aside from routine dental exams and cleanings, people need to care for the teeth and gums properly at home. Brushing is the foundation of a good oral hygiene routine. Individuals should brush at least twice a day and ideally after each meal. Another important part of a good oral hygiene routine is flossing. Drs. Charles and Patrick Casey encourage their dental patients to floss at least once a day. Combined, brushing and flossing help patients maintain good oral health and avoid the need for restorative dentistry treatments to correct dental complications such as tooth decay, infection, and tooth loss. Here, we discuss the importance of flossing, and we offer some tips to ensure patients get the maximum benefits out of their flossing routine.

Why Flossing Is Important

Most people willingly brush their teeth each morning and night, but far fewer adhere to dental recommendations regarding flossing. Many people dread this oral hygiene task, and find it to be uncomfortable. However, most of this discomfort comes from a lack of flossing. When patients don’t floss, the gums become swollen and tender. This can cause irritation and bleeding when an patient does finally does floss. Those who floss their teeth each night will benefit from healthier gums. Not only will this promote overall good oral health, but it will also eliminate bleeding and irritation and make flossing a pain-free task.

Flossing regularly is just as important as brushing the teeth. Many people assume that brushing will eliminate bacteria from the mouth and prevent a buildup of plaque and tartar. However, a lot of the food particles get trapped between the teeth, making these areas an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. While brushing is beneficial, a toothbrush simply cannot reach these small spaces. This is why flossing is so important. Flossing reaches between the teeth, as well as the area between the base of teeth and the gums, to break up bacteria and prevent the formation of plaque and tartar. Patients who brush their teeth once a day will benefit from the following:

Get the Most Out of Flossing

Just as with brushing, it is important for patients to use proper techniques when flossing. This will ensure that the teeth are cleaned thoroughly and that patients gain the maximum health benefits of flossing. Below are some useful tips patients can follow to make sure they are flossing properly:

Schedule an Appointment

Good oral health comes from a combination of strong oral hygiene habits and professional dental care. If you are looking for an experienced dentist to help you maintain the health of your teeth and gums, you will find the care you are looking for from Drs. Charles and Patrick Casey. Schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience to learn more about our comprehensive range of dental services.